Advance booking of tickets for Mejbaur Rahman Sumon's debut film "Hawa" has now closed. The news was confirmed by the hall authorities. Marking the film's release date (July 29), the ticket sales, for areas outside of Dhaka, began on July 24. However, all available shows have already been declared houseful for the production. In Narayanganj's Cinescope, the tickets for the first three days have already been sold out, informed the hall owner, Robbie. He also added, "This is great for my business and also a very positive sign for the film industry. 'Hawa' will break all records in my cinema hall if it manages to run successfully for a month." For all latest news, follow The Daily Star's Google News channel. The new Grand Sylhet Cineplex will be screening "Hawa" for Sylhet dwellers.
The tickets for the first three days in this hall are also sold out, informed Azad, the hall manager. "Many are returning disappointed as they could not buy the tickets, while some are requesting advanced booking for the fourth day of screening. I never thought we would open with such a positive response from the locals," added Azad. Sirajganj's Roots Cineclub has also started selling tickets for the first week of shows. Tickets for the first two days have already been sold out, with only around 30 percent of seats being available for the third day. "Hawa" film crew at American International University-Bangladesh "We are hoping that all the tickets for the first week will be sold out soon," said Atikur, Director of Roots Cineclub.
Shyamoli Cineplex has also started selling advanced tickets for the first week. "After a long time, we are selling tickets in advance. We want the audience to keep pouring in like this," shared Hasan, the manager of Shyamoli Cineplex to The Daily Star. "Hawa" is set for release in 3 cinema halls in Chattogram, namely Sugondha, Silver Screen and Cineplex. Farook, the owner of Chattogram Silver Screen, also confirmed to us that they are selling tickets in advance for the production. "If we continue to get such a response for the film, then the cinema industry will soon start to bounce back into a state of positive revenue," he asserted. Meanwhile, the advance sale of tickets will start from tomorrow at cineplexes in Dhaka. "I have also received news that all the advanced tickets of the film are sold out. I just hope that this film will touch the hearts of the audience," shared Shimul Chandra Biswas, the executive producer of "Hawa".
Behind the scene of "Hawa" Chanchal Chowdhury, who plays an important role in the film, also shared his excitement for "Hawa". "The way the audience has accepted 'Hawa' is inspiring, and the response we are getting for this film is making me emotional. Bangla Cinema can regain its ground with films like 'Hawa'," said the actor. Madhumita Cinema Hall is also gearing up for the release of the film. "There was a time when selling advance tickets of films were a trend. I am very happy that this trend is now coming back. We will start selling advance tickets the day before the movie's release," said Iftekhar Uddin Naushad, owner of the hall.